Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

THURSDAY, AUGUST 12th 2021, 7:00 PM, Sandy’s Restaurant

The Annual Meeting (required) for homeowners will be held Thursday, August 12th, at 7:00 pm. This year the meeting will take place at Sandy’s Restaurant, 1255 SW US, MO-7, Blue Springs, MO 64015. Having the meeting here gives us a comfortable place to conduct the meeting.

Updates will be given on the financial state of the HOA, the work of the special assessment, the insurance policy for the coming year, and other issues facing the association. Members of the HOA (all homeowners are members) are able to get together and be active in the business of the HOA. You can voice concerns for the future and find out what things are coming up for the next year. This is a great opportunity to give input and understand why certain decisions are made and policies implemented as well as influence the process of care for your property.

The election of the Board of Directors for the coming year will also take place. If you are interested in serving on the board, please leave a message on the hotline or send an e-mail to the HOA to have your name placed on the ballot.


Where is Sandy’s Restaurant?

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Friendly Reminders

We all get those weekly newspaper ads and phonebooks thrown in our driveways from time to time. Please take the time to pick them up and dispose of them if you don't want them as well as any trash lying around. Help keep our neighborhood clean.

The message center is for general questions about the HOA and maintenance issues. The person who will return your call is a volunteer member of the Board of Directors. They will return your call when they can.

When you call the message center, leave your name, address, the telephone number at which you can be reached in the evening and a brief message regarding the reason you are calling. A volunteer will return your call.

Pet owners are responsible for their pet's excrement in the yard. You need to pick up your pet's poop daily and dispose of it properly. Do your part to keep our common area clean.

Parking of cars and trucks or vehicles of any kind is not permitted on grass and lawns. Please use your driveway or park on the street. Our grass will thank you.

Trash for pick up should be placed no further than 5 feet from your building. Curbside pick up is prohibited. All trash must be contained at all times. See Blue Springs FAQs.

Inoperable vehicles must be stored inside your garage or removed from the premises. Commercial vehicles weighing more than 6 tons, boom and tow trucks are not permitted to be parked in residential neighborhoods.